
Showing posts from March, 2023



Founder of Foss Maritime

Today's tidbit

Where we live.

NE Broadway looking east from 15th Ave.

Bone-hemian Rhapsody

(get it: bone = trombone) I have played this Youtube video over and over. It's beautifully done - the arrangement of Queen's song, the performance from the International Trombone Festival (who knew?) and the video composition. Well done Christopher Bill and 27 other trombonists!

Kenneth Brannagh's Magic Flute (overture)

For his very original reimagining of Mozart's Magic Flute, Kennth Brannagh set it in a WWI battlefield. The soldier is Papageno and is in charge of carrier pigeons. I love this opening sequence with the general blowing the whistle to signal the start of the attack by marching violins and the dancing airplanes.


 This is a collection of notable things I've read — news items, websites, Youtube videos, etc. And maybe even some things I've written!  If you find them interesting, send them to your friends. Who am I: I live in Portland, Oregon. I'm retired from a dual career in energy efficiency in homes and carsharing (see my other blog - Dave